As we get closer and closer to Christmas, it’s quite easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of wrapping gifts, seeing lights and drinking hot chocolate (after a strenuous run, of course). But in the midst of taking care of our families this season, I thought I’d share some ideas of how to give back to others this season.
This is a season when people generally look for a way to help others. Options are numerous in every city and state, organization and even in front of chain supermarkets. However, here’s an often overlooked and under-appreciated part of our population: caregivers.
This group is near and dear to my heart, as my mom is a caregiver to my father, who has dementia, and my husband’s aunt was a caregiver to his grandmother until she passed away this fall. Also – and I may be taking this to the extreme – I don’t classify caregivers into simply those who are taking care of the ill. Foster parents, parents of newborn children, and even older parents who have taken in a child or a grandchild suddenly – these are all caregivers in my book, too.
Being a caregiver is hard work, y’all. I see it with my mom daily. My dad has to have someone with him 24/7, and unless it’s to a doctor appointment, he doesn’t go anywhere. She schedules everything, from when she goes to the grocery store to when she even buys gas. Every second matters.
So this holiday season, if you know of a caregiver, here are some ideas as to how to help out and share love with them soon:
1.Take them dinner.
I’m a Southern girl, and I like to eat. It’s my way to show love to others – to cook dinner. Honestly, though, sometimes I just don’t have time to cook. But you know what’s just about as good as a home-cooked meal? A gift card to their favorite restaurant – particularly a local one, too!
2. Stop by for a visit.
This one does not apply to the parents of a newborn. I use this a personal example. My dad loves people; he’s always been so kind and generous to everyone, and while he has dementia, he remembers people who stop by. They don’t have to stay long; his attention span really doesn’t last more than five or 10 minutes – but those short minutes mean the world to him and my mom.
3. Ask about them.
Be polite and ask how the person is doing, whether it’s someone ill or someone new in the home. I’ll be honest. Nothing ticks me off more than to hear from caregivers that they’ve seen an old colleague or friend or family member who doesn’t ask one word about the missing loved one. Are you for real? How hard is it to ask?
4. Babysit.
This may or may not work, depending on the situation. But if the parents are open to babysitters and you’re a willing party, offer to babysit for free. That’s like gold to a parent. I offered to babysit for a friend of mine once after her kids went to bed. You know how easy that was? SUPER EASY. I sat up reading chick lit until she came home.
5. Ask about the caregiver.
Ask if the caregiver needs anything. If you’re at the store, text and see if you can grab up a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk. Like I mentioned earlier, my mom has to carefully plan her grocery trips around her work and my dad’s caregivers who watch him while she’s at school. It’s a big help to her when someone, like my dad’s brother, calls her up while he’s at the store and offers to pick up one or two items that she was missing.
And it doesn’t have to be during December, either. December is a jam-packed month. I understand being busy. But maybe just sending a card that says, “Hey – I’ll bring you dinner on January 15.” Because while we focus on giving back to others most, it seems, during December, shouldn’t we be aware of the needs around us throughout the year?